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Subject: Re: FLASH: Interactive Rollovers
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 15:10:27 +0100

> okay, here's what i'm trying to do. i want to be able to rollover some links
> and have them turn a different color, as well as shoot subtopics out to the
> left upon rollover. i want to be able to then move my mouse out the left,
> and select one of the subtopics, which in turn turns a different color upon
> rollover. If i decide not to select one of the subtopics, and instead move
> my mouse down to the next main link, these subtopics shoot back in, and a
> new set of sublinks shoot out from the main link i now am on. and so on and
> so on.

In the samples that come with Flash, the "Track as Menu" sample teaches you
how to do this. I can't say exactly what you're doing wrong, but I do know
if you deconstruct the sample and set up a menu just the same way they did,
it works perfectly, and you can add menu items to it or whatever you like.


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