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Subject: RE: FLASH: 3D in Flash - Hopefully an enticing proposition
From: Branden Hall
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 19:19:40 +0100

Well, the reason I can't do it in Flash, is because of Flash. You can do
some pretty amaizing stuff with Director.. check out Barry's engine.. its
really nice stuff. However, thats with the weight of the Shockwave plugin...
Metacreations is cool, but as you said, its not ready for the way the net is
now... Basically we are going to have to wait until Flashs scripting
becomes more robust and /or the bandwidth issue improves.

-= Branden J. Hall
-= Multimedia Developer/Instructor
-= Fig Leaf Software - "We've got you covered!"

-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Jefferis
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 1:27 PM
To: Flash MailList
Subject: RE: FLASH: 3D in Flash - Hopefully an enticing proposition

On Fri, 19 May 2000 14:01:34 -0400, bhallatfigleaf [dot] com (Branden Hall)


In light of your comments, and I'm guessing, your knowledge of
Director... I am wondering about where the limitations in online design
really are - i.e., are they inherent limitations merely of Flash's output
or are they inherent limitations of bandwidth and computer processor's

For example, can you produce a fast and efficient 3D system like what you
describe below in Director and output it for the Web in Shockwave? Or
would the same project suffer the same limitations when converted web
presentation regardless of the creator program?

Is there something inherently too processor heavy in even the mathematics
of design that would slow down the local computers or make it too hard to
calculate and send over the web?

The reason I ask this is that I am wondering if all 3D objects [simple
shaded items with motion, e.g.] are stretching the limits of web
playability or merely the processor engine of the flash player...

I noticed when looking at Metacreations 3d streaming program, e.g., that
no matter what their claims, the items suffered from an inherent
bandwidth problem. At 56k, their objects were just too large, to slow,
and too painful to wait for. I guess I am asking if we are near a
barrier with Flash production potential for average web work [not cable
modems] or if with improvements to the mathematics engines we might be
able to see realistic 3d from Flash projects in realistic file sizes.

Other than that, If I'm going to wait on a 4 meg download, Quicktime
seems more robust when it finally plays than Flash does.


>I created the first 3D point engine in Flash back in June of this year:
>Given how flash is now, a lot of what you speak about is simply not
>or not practical.
>I made a 3D triangle engine a while back, but despite all of my attempts at
>optimization, it was just too slow. Flash's scripting language is simply
>robust enough to support much more than points and lines (and even doing
>backface removal with lines is too much!)
>1) Change RGB settings for an instance of a symbol
>You can't do this. Sorry
>2) Rotate, skew and scale (in independant axes) an instance of a symbol
>Rotate and scale yes, skew, no.
>3) Display and hide instances as required.
>Yes, but it can be a royal bitch to do, especially if it involves change
>z-ordering of objects.
>- -= Branden J. Hall
>- -= Multimedia Developer/Instructor
>- -= Fig Leaf Software - "We've got you covered!"

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Flash and Web Design
Tel & Fax. 724-458-7169

ICQ 19112253

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  RE: FLASH: 3D in Flash - Hopefully an en, Jefferis

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