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Subject: RE: FLASH: Need help doing a splash screen which opens up a *.exe
From: Jose Savio Ponte
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 19:55:51 +0000 (GMT)

I read once (haven't tested, ok?) if you use a FSCommand with "exec" as
command and your path as argument in the last frame of your movie and points
to your executable local file, it should work. Note that if the executable
is not in the CD, it have a specifically path in your hard disk, and this
can be different in someone else's machine.
Hope it works! Anyone can tell us if it's true?

S�vio - Web Designer - savioatcompugraf [dot] com [dot] br (mailto:savioatcompugraf [dot] com [dot] br)
Cum� que bicho faz - Ziraldo (Flash Cartoon for kids)
Noites do Terror - Flash Game

> ----------
> From: Dennis Chan[SMTP:webguruatmanlab [dot] com]
> Reply To: flasheratshocker [dot] com
> Sent: Ter�a-feira, 3 de Novembro de 1998 15:16
> To: flasheratshocker [dot] com
> Subject: FLASH: Need help doing a splash screen which opens up a
> *.exe
> I am making a splash screen for a cd-rom autorun. I am doing it as a
> projector. How do I, or what action do I use to make it run an executable
> file off the cd-rom when it hits the last frame?
> Dennis Chan
> Internet Guru
> www.manlab.com
> <!--"The choice . . . is the Universe or nothing." -H.G. Wells--!>

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