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Subject: Re: FLASH: movie clip question
From: Creative Factory (Joe Troha)
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 02:54:18 +0000 (GMT)

Sounds a bit unusual, I think I have performed this action many times (that
is if I am interpreting you correctly) and it has worked fine.

All I would do is select everything on the time line (using mouse and
making sure that all layers are unlocked) then I would copy frames (mac-
command+option -C) within the movie clip then create a new MC or access the
MTL (main time line) and select the first frame of the first new layer then
paste it directly into the TL by pressing (mac- command+option -V). Seems
pretty simple, if this doesnt work then sorry I cant help. :)

Good Luck, I also experience a bit of confussion in the Falsh environment,
hopefully this will lessen with time and experience.

take care.

Joseph Troha.

Rusty Worden wrote:

> howdy Flashers (sounds kinda gross eh?),
> I just spent 4 hours making this really tricked out movie clip
> and found out after I had done it that I couldn't get the functionality
> I wanted from within a movie clip. I tried to copy the layers into a
> regular movie layer and got the keyframes to show up but could not
> see anything on the stage...I then tried to copy the actual images
> I was working with and paste them in place...that didn't work either...
> because I am facing a deadline I have given up trying to get all the
> functionality I wanted from it and settled for a muche paired down
> version.
> Any idea why this happened? Is this normal? More importantly,...
> is there any way to circumvent this problem? Aaaaaaarrrrgghh!!!
> Rusty
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Joseph Troha
Multimedia Developer
Creative Factory - Melbourne Australia
joeatcreativefactory [dot] com [dot] au
v: +613 9593 8882
f: +613 9593 8866

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  Re: FLASH: movie clip question, dylan
  Re: FLASH: movie clip question, Rusty Worden

  FLASH: movie clip question, Rusty Worden

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