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Subject: Re: FLASH: a question..
From: John Croteau
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 04:54:51 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Jim,

> I would like to create a game for the holidays similar to a lite brite
> game in which a players can choose the color of a light they want to
> light up. I envisioned a series of buttonclips commanded to change
> colors and it works fine for one only. When I diplicate them I can't
> get more than one to use. I have named them all the same which is
> probably my problem.
Sounds like you answered your own question. Each Inastance normally
should hava a destinct name. If you want to send multiple commands from
the same Button or Frame Action. 100 Tell Targets at a time has been
used in several projects. For instance I might have one action to be
active but to shut down the previous action it might be easier to Park
the 11 other options that to keep track of which one was the previous

> So the question is: Can clips or buttons have the same name in the same
> timeline? i was hoping to do this so my ation call to tell target could
> be simplified. Or do I need a fscommand?
FSCommand would have the same problem.
There is an exception to having each MC having a unique Instance Name.

Say you have 3 Movie Clip's that you want to perform a different Action
based on wht frame they are called from. So you name a Movie Clip in
Frames 1-3 with the same Instance Name. Each of these Movie Clips will
be available only in one frame so at any one time there is only one
Instance Name with the same Name at a time. But there are actually 3
different Instances (all with the same name) each performing a different
Action which is based on where in the timeline you are.

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  FLASH: Mr C, a question.., David Gary
  Re: FLASH: a question.., Jim Curry

  FLASH: a question.., Jim Curry

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