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Subject: Re: FLASH: Text making big flash files
From: Michael Penne
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 00:02:22 GMT

If you think about it, text in vector is actually
quite complex, a nice thing about flash for
x-platform, x-browser development is that embedded
fonts look the same.

However, this is achieved by creating outlines of the
fonts in vector format, which, depending on font, can
contain quite a few curves and thus make large files.

A coupla tricks: To keep file sizes small, use the
minumum amount of different fonts, flash's aa makes
text at small font sizes look pretty blurry, so for
that I use fields without font outlines. When you do
this, the swf gets the fonts form the client machine,
so the usual html problems/work arounds with fonts
apply (ie use common fonts and leave space in the
fields). Third, create your text small, make it into
symbols, and scale the symbols (_anything_ in your
movie that is keyframed more than once shold be a
Animating text is the same as animating other complex
vector shapes, try to move only one thing at once to
avoid the herky-jerkies. Finally, for large text files
I would use a flash interface and/or buttons and leave
most of the text in html, also that way folks can
print it from @#$&*! MSIE 5.

--- vachonatechonyc [dot] com wrote:
> Does Flash handle text less elegantly than it does
> other vectors?
> My client asked for a piece to advertise a private
> financial website--
> lots of columns of boring figures.
> I made screen captures of 6 pages from the website.
> Then I
> overlaid them with brightly colored animated
> explanatory text. It
> looked great, but of course the bitmaps of the
> website are sharp
> only when the window is at the original size. The
> client asked if the
> screengrabs can be any sharper.
> Since the original website is all text and numbers,
> I was able to
> easily recreate these 6 pages in Flash. I did this
> and discarded the
> bitmaps. No good! The .swf size is somewhat smaller
> (102kb vs.
> 168kb) but the animation is now unacceptably jerky
> and slow,
> particularly when these big blocks of text are
> moving.
> Are there any special tricks when working with lots
> of text?


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