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Subject: Re: FLASH: loading audio
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 16:43:58 GMT

At 09:59 AM 11/13/1999 , you wrote:
>Hi Marc,
>For some reason my mails are delayed for the last 2 days...
>I sent the fol mail yesterday...
>could you please help with the fol...
>Actually the problem was with the audio file.
>Now it plays when I load it at level 1 in my main movie.
>But I have 2 other problems now.
>The audio is in loop, but it doesn't play smoothly, there is a gap of a
>fraction of second while looping. How do I solve it?

It sounds as if you are trying to make it loop by looping the frames in
which it is placed. This is the wrong approach. Make it loop by setting a
loop number in the dialog box that appears when you place the sound in a
frame (Frame Properties->Sound).

>Secondly I have on & off buttons for the audio within the audio movie. But
>when I click on the off button, audio doesn't stop immediately, but after
>a while mostly after the audio has stopped palying till end....this is a
>very short audio and may be that is why it looks like it is playing till
>the end & then stopping. Also the on button does not work immedaitely.
>How can I make audio loop to play smothly & the on/off buttons to work

Again I suspect you are manipulating this in the wrong way. See
http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/toggle for a model of how to do it. Then let
me know if I'm mistaken.

Marc Hoffman

marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com).
My Flash Portfolio: <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  Re: FLASH: loading audio, Renu Vora

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