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Subject: Re: FLASH: loading audio
From: Renu Vora
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 23:35:46 GMT

Hi Marc,

Thanks a lot for all the help.
>It sounds as if you are trying to make it loop by looping
the frames in
>which it is placed. This is the wrong approach. Make it
loop by setting a
>loop number in the dialog box that appears when you place
the sound in a
>frame (Frame Properties->Sound).

you a right - I am trying to loop the audio by looping the
frames & not by setting sound properties.
I tried looping as you suggested, Sound plays smooth with no
delay while looping, but then sound off button does not work
till it finishes looping the number of times I set in the
sound properties.
What could I be doing wrong here....?

Why will the play head not jump straight to the labeled
frame & start from frame 1 when I am trying to loop by
Go to and Play ("music")
where music is the label for the frame where my sound

>Again I suspect you are manipulating this in the wrong way.
>http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/toggle for a model of how to
do it. Then let
>me know if I'm mistaken.

The toggle tutorial helped & solved the problem. But I would
still like to know why wouldn't the playhead jump to the
labeled frame in my ....what am I missing here ?

I appreciate your time & timely help.

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  Re: FLASH: loading audio, Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart

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