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Subject: Re: FLASH: Copyright on list messages
From: David Banigan
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:30:05 GMT

>Hi Peter,
>This is my understanding of the copyright issues with regard to mailing lists:
>Folks who post retain the copyright to their postings however by
>participating in the list, which is essentially a public forum they
>can be quoted or excerpted in the same way you might quote a
>magazine article. In terms of archiving postings, etc. The safest
>solution for any compilation of postings is to host them at the same
>place the list lives as they will essentially be from the same
>publishing source.
>I think it really depends on whether the members of the list
>perceive it's a useful service and whether or not they mind their
>postings being used. If you want to be 100% safe, you'll need to get
>permission from folks to post their stuff, though.

This list is a public forum and therefore akin to a conversation in a
crowded room. How exactly do you place copyright on something like
that? I realise that the postings here can be easily attributed to
the person who posted them but if it's really that proprietary, then
why post here at all? I totally agree with getting what is owed you
but keeping copyright on a posting to this (or any other publicly
accessed) list is going a bit over the top. If you want to keep
something confidential, send a private post with a note stating so.
Cripes, it's not like this list is the .fla of postings.

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  Re: FLASH: Copyright on list messages, List Owner

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