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Subject: FLASH: News Reporting
From: John Croteau
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 21:58:20 +0100

Hi all,

I'm looking for Flash Reporters and an Editor.
Each reporter will cover a specific Flash or other resource looking for
new information not already covered on this List or at Flash Central.

Generally we want reporters who already cover a site or with special
desire to follow a particular site. Anyone who has a vested interest in
a particular site will generally not be acceptable. The purpose of this
Reporting system is to divide up the work of following other sites and
put that knowledge into our hands. This will be either an update to the
List and/or a regular feature on Flash Central. Even if we don't use any
of the material from the reporters in a Newletter the reporters will be
able to post replies to the List that relay the information or where a
particular subject is being covered. In general the reports will report
new stuff to the Editor so that the List will not be swamped with
needless additional posts. However there are times when these
NewsFlashes should be posted immediately and of course they should post
replies that are helpful in answering questions in a current thread.
Some Areas will have only occasional new Flash information others more.
Some areas can be made up of teams to reduce the burdon of checking
every day or every other day as needed. Also we will provide an Email
address for News Organiozations to send announcements to so that they
won't feel the need to SPAM the List.

Some of the areas to be included will be
Flash Newsgroup
Netscape Open Forum
Flash Mimic

Please let me know what Report Beat you would like to cover (the above
are only some of the possibilities). As soon as we see how many of you
are willing and able to contribute we will determine the direction of
this project.

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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FlashTek (Advanced Websites with Flash) http://www.FlashTek.com/
Flash Central(The Universe Starts Here) http://www.FlashCentral.com/
The Flash Tech Resource (Tech Notes) http://www.FlashCentral.com/tech/
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  Re: FLASH: News Reporting, Jeff Bradshaw

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