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Subject: RE: FLASH: an odd 'tweening' problem
From: Juan Pedro Diez
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 04:15:31 +0100

Why don't you see if the symbol was inserted in the movie library? If not,
insert it and tell me what happened.

Juan Pedro.-
-----Original Message-----
De: Alice D. <aliceatriverscape [dot] com>
Para: flasheratshocker [dot] com <flasheratshocker [dot] com>
Fecha: Martes 20 de Octubre de 1998 17:19
Asunto: FLASH: an odd 'tweening' problem

>When I make a symbol right in the scene, then motion tween it, and then
>add add motion guide to it, then snap the first keyframe to the
>beginning of the line and the end keyframe to the end of the line, it
>tweens along the path just fine... b-u-t when I insert a symbol from my
>library (premade... not in the scene but in edit symbol mode) and follow
>the same system of tweening with motion guide, it DOESN'T work. I've
>tried it quite a few times, but everytime I insert the symbol from a
>library it won't tween along my path. Has anyone ever encountered this
>Alice D.
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  FLASH: an odd 'tweening' problem - solve, Alice D.

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