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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash text handling isnt up to par.
From: John Croteau
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 01:40:53 GMT

Hi Lulu,

> Is that even the case when you DO NOT *Break Apart* fonts?
> I have always used the *Break Apart* function on type assuming that if I
> did not the person would see garbage unless I used Helvetica, Times or
> Arial.

Yes, for each and every character used in each and every font that used
in your presentation the character's shape will be saved in Flash. See
your report. This is why there is saving in keeping the number of Fonts
used down. If you use an 'J' in Times and an 'J' in Helvetica then you
will save a shape for each. But if you use a hundred Js in Times then
you will be saving the shape information only once. To see how much Font
shape costs in a presentation look at the bottom of the report. In the
report it shows what characters in what fonts and how much they cost in

Breaking apart a font character in of itself does not necessarily
increase (or reduce) file size but it creates a non-font object (or
symbol). If the same character is still used as a font character then
the broken apart character has added to file size because of the
duplicate (the shape saved as a font and also as a regular shape or
symbol). If a character that is broken apart was the only character used
in a Font then the file size is not normally changed by much.

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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  Re: FLASH: Flash text handling isnt up t, Lulu

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