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Subject: FLASH: site check/fps advice
From: sharon almeida
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 00:38:30 +0100

Hi everyone,

I have a question about frame rate for a Flash movie for a presentation.

I'm working on a 15 to 30 second animation that will be played back in a browser on a PC laptop with 96 MB RAM. This animation will be
looped for about 5-10 minutes while the speaker's audience comes in the room and takes their seats.

The Flash presentation that follows this animation is 960 pixels wide and 624 pixels tall, and the client would like the Flash animation to
fill the screen or at least the width of the screen (the laptop resolution is 1024 x 768). What would be a preferred frame rate for this

I did a test at 12 fps and the lines seem jumpy to me, even when I play it back on my hard drive. I exported this movie at 100 JPEG Quality
and all the graphics have been converted to symbols. This animation will contain only continuous tone vector graphics. The primary use of
this presentation is for speaker support (a la Power Point) but may be modified for web use in the future.

What would be the alternatives? Lower the JPEG quality? Increase the frame rate?

My current plan is to try a movie size of 960 x 360 and vertically center the movie in the browser on a black background.

Here is my test:

Thanks in advance for any advice! I really appreciate it!


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  Re: FLASH: site check/fps advice, Marc Hoffman
  Re: FLASH: site check/fps advice, tom szewc

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