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Subject: FLASH: Generator Movie Maker Prob
From: James Mansfield
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 04:46:32 +0100

Title: Generator Movie Maker Prob

I am trying to create a Movie Maker using Generator and Flash 4.
I have created a flash 4 movie that submits variables to an asp page and this asp page changes these variables to new varibles and file names etc depending on what is submitted. The asp page then returns these variables and opens the page containing the generator template. However I am having problems with the generator/asp page which lists the variables. It appears that the swt file can only read in a very limited amount of variables from the asp page. Here is the code created by the asp page:

<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff">
        WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=300
        QUALITY=best TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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