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Subject: RE: FLASH: RE: FLash file tends to crash browser on a some PC's running Wind ows NT
From: Campbell, Clyde
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 13:51:45 +0100

Thanks for the reply John,

Yes, the entire shockwave file is completely loaded when this problem occurs
(it even happens when running off a 1.44 stiffy disk), in fact, the browser
sometimes freezes when you click on a button you have clicked on before
anyway! I will put a preloader on the server to make sure everything is
completely loaded in the file - maybe this will sort the problem out...

As far as NT vs 95 or 98 goes.... I have tested on a total of 18 Windows 95
machines - NO problem :-)
I have tested on 9 NT machines to date - only 3 have worked without error,
and all of the computers here are on the same network.

One of the NT machines here that does work is one with an old graphics card,
P 133mhz processor, only 16mb RAM - it is really slow, and the graphics do
not look that great at all, yet it still works, without a hitch!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Croteau [SMTP:croteauaterols [dot] com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 2:03 PM
> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: Re: FLASH: RE: FLash file tends to crash browser on a some
> PC's running Wind ows NT
> Hi Clyde,
> Despite the fact that it seems to occur on NT machines that may be a
> coincidence. An important question you did not answer is if you let the
> file completely load before you click any buttons will it work OK?
> If it works OK when completely loaded (but not when partially loaded)
> then it is likely you are trying to do a forward looking Go To using a
> frame number and not a Label.
> If you try to use a frame number to go to a frame that is not loaded yet
> then Flash will take you to the last frame loaded when you clicked and
> this can lead to all sorts of problems. Since it may depend on how much
> of the file is loaded at the time you press a button on where you will
> go (if the Go To frame is not loaded) the symptoms may vary greatly.
> --
> Coming Soon Flash 4 Web Animation F/X and Design
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1576105555/flashcentral
> ----------- -----------------------
> John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
> ------------- -------------------------
> FlashTek (Advanced Websites with Flash) http://www.FlashTek.com/
> Flash Bible (Fast track to good Flash) http://www.FlashBible.com/
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> The Flash Tech Resource (Tech Notes) http://www.FlashCentral.com/tech/
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"The Worlds largest Internet Audio & Video Event"
December 7 - 9, San Jose Convention Center, California

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  Re: FLASH: RE: FLash file tends to crash, John Croteau

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