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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash for Web Based Training
From: John Dowdell
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 21:21:04 +0100

At 1:36 PM 10/18/99, Rick Koch wrote:
> I have a meeting later this week to try to convince a potential
> client of the merits of web based training done in Flash. Does
> anyone know of several good examples I can point to to help make
> my case?

For return-on-investment info for web-based learning, general resources and
examples are available at:

Most of these case studies use Flash work in the context of Authorware or
Dreamweaver Attain, although in Flash 4 it's easier to create quizzes

For a new site which uses Flash animations in much of its courseware, see:

(I don't know what the client is considering, but there could be two parts
of the problem: "Does web-based training make sense?" and then "Is Flash
more effective than HTML?" Either could have very positive answers, but
much would seem to depend on what the client's specific concerns and
constraints are.)

Does any of this help bring you closer to where you want to be...?


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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