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Subject: Re: FLASH: Please critique
From: Justin
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:00:40 +0100

James Champer wrote:

> David,
> He didn't ask for nor does he deserve such an ironically childish response.
> You obviously missed the point. In the future please refrain from such
> comments that simply waste time.

His opinion is fine with me as long as its honest. I would rather know what
people truly think than have them sugar coat it a lie. Bring on your harshest
criticism its good for my ego.

> Justin,
> I must tell you that it ran rather slow on my system; PII333, WinNT 4.0,
> IE5, T-1. This happens when you use/move and tween such a large number of
> bitmaps as it appeared you did. Try recreating the bitmaps in Flash by
> either redrawing or tracing. You also might try to up the frame rate. Hope
> that helps!
> Keep working!
> -Jim

Thanks Jim,
Actually there are only 3 bitmapps and they are traced. The frame rate is set
at 25. I think your processor might be a little slow for the tweening, but that
info is good to know.

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  RE: FLASH: Please critique, Kenneth Austin

  RE: FLASH: Please critique, James Champer

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