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Subject: RE: FLASH: Flash and ASP: writing text files from Flash???
From: Paul Willoughby
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 15:47:15 +0100

>>>Helen Triolo wrote on 06 October 2000 19:05

>I have to admit that I don't understand this, so let me just say what I
>would do and you can ignore whatever's not helpful.

I'm not suprised, I just read my mail back and I think I was mixing my
metaphors a little! Clarity ain't my strong point on a Friday afternoon.
What I'm trying to do is have a top ten hi-scores table that is read into
the Flash movie and then updated as new users play and submit their scores.
I don't need to archive the history of the competition or have it
particulary secure (it's for an intranet) so writing a text file seems like
the simplest solution. I know how to load the text and call the ASP with the
loadvariables statement, my real quandry was what's the best way to access
the variables in ASP and write them to a text file which I can then load
back into the movie.

Let me bore you with a more lengthy explanation...I set up my text file with
variables that say summink like:
rank1Name=blank&rank1Score=0&rank2Name=blank&rank2score=0...etc. so when the
first person loads up the game the hi-scores are all blank. After they've
played, I pass their score to an ActionScript routine that works out where
their score should rank and assign new variable names to the sorted "array"
like "newRank1Name" and "newRank1Score" (this might be quite complicated but
I'll cross that bridge when I come to it!). From that routine I create a
variable that looks like:

SetVariable: Scores = "rank1Name=" & newRank1Name & "&" & "rank1Score=" &
newRank1Score & "&" &...etc.
This would create the loadvariables-friendly string i.e. a URL encoded

And then in the ASP i'd describe the line to write as:

But I dunno, I suppose this concatenation could be just as easily done in
the ASP script. I just sort of had the idea that writing just one variable
might be quicker than writing 10, although this is just blind guesswork!

As an aside to this, should I worry about the variables caching? I know
there is a Q n A on this at your archive and a handy bit of ASP to kill
caching. Should I add this to my ASP?



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