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Subject: FLASH: [F5] Is it possible to revert a swf file...
From: Dr. James K. Butler
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 20:33:02 +0100

I had a major system crash and lost important files including a Flash file which
was not backed-up. I do have a very recent version of the file in SWF format. It
it possible with Flash 5 to REVERSE "engineer" a SWF file into a Flash file?

If so, how?

In advance, thanks!

Dr. Jim Butler, CEO
Scuba Web Design

- Web, Graphic & 3D/Animation Design
- Multimedia Production
- Macintosh Consultation

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  Re: FLASH: [F5] Is it possible to revert, Gregg Caines
  Re: FLASH: [F5] Is it possible to revert, Brian

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