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Subject: Re: FLASH: How do you have menus overlap content?
From: Davis Hammon
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:03:49 +0100

I believe the way they do this is by using DHTML. The process is
creating multiple layers with their own timeline. Then using
javascript control the timeline depending on the actions of the user.
Dreamweaver 2 will write all the code for you. Read up on the
Timeline section of the manual.

>Hello there,
>How do Macromedia and others get their roll-over drop down menus to
>overlap onto the rest of the window area below?
>If you go to anywhere on their site, they have a row of gray menus at
>the top and when you roll over them, they drop down to cover the content
>below. I cannot understand how they can do this without cutting up or
>slicing the content portion of the window into two frames or something
>and then cutting up the content to make it look like it is one frame.
>The thing is that I figure that is way too involved and that there must
>be a way to do it using normal MACR tools.
>Does this involve some kind of programming (javascript?) or can this
>type of thing be effected using DW and flash?

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  FLASH: How do you have menus overlap con, Jorge

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