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Subject: FLASH: FS Command Browser talk
From: Joe Dames
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 21:08:38 +0100

I want to make one browser pop a new window. The new window will have a text submittal field.
When it is submitted, it passes the text to the original window. Works great! (code below for html w/ JS)

Here's the catch:
**I now want the second window to be done in flash.**

My problem is that I'm not sure how to handle the FS command structure in F5 to enable the .swf
command the browser to pass the data back from the .swf to the original window.

Here is the actual HTML with the JS.

(original window)
<TITLE>Master of all windows
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
var myWind
function doNew() {
if (!myWind || myWind.closed) {
myWind = window.open("opened.html","subWindow","HEIGHT=200,WIDTH=350")
} else{
<FORM NAME="input">
This field will be filled from an entry in another window:<br>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="entry" SIZE=25>
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Storage" VALUE="hit me!"

(the browser that will pass the text back to the parent browser)
<title>New Window on the Block</title>
<input type="button" value="Get back in the main window!-->>">
<input type="text" size="39" onchange="self.opener.document.forms[0].entry.value = this.value">

Here is my primary failing attempt at making the .swf pass the data:

I make a button in flash5 that has these actions:
on (release) {
fscommand ("self.opener.document.forms[0].entry.value =", "&foovar");

and then I'll publish the .fla to html with FS Command.

The problem being that it's not passing the data back to the parent window and I cant figure out why.

Any help will be awarded with my eternal respect,(yeah, I know- line forms to the left)



PS: Sorry if I hit you with a cross post.

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