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Subject: RE: FLASH: random question
From: Kurt Dommermuth
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 12:14:52 +0100

At 11:22 AM 9/1/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>anybody have an idea of the way best way to generate a random number between
>certain paramaters. Here's my attempts to get a random number between 260
>and 290:
>loopwhile (n > 260)
> SetVariable: n = Random (290)
>This always seem to produce 261 (why?). It also seems pretty inefficient.
>Would this be better (I can't try it at the moment as I've just had to
>replace my sodding hard drive and I haven't installed Flash yet as the
>sodding administrator is too lazy *bad day*)
>SetVariable: n = (Random (30) + 261)
>Anyone's help would be great

Hi Paul,

I don't why you seem to always get a 261, but as you said it seems like
kind of an inefficient way to do it anyway.

Yes, your second idea is definitely the way to go!


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  RE: FLASH: random question, Paul Willoughby

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