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Subject: Re: FLASH: Gaming
From: Nathan Dicken
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 18:43:06 +0100

Matt - here are some that I could come up with off the top of my head...

- in-depth knowledge of playback machine
- net lingo - more advanced in Director, though Flash is catching up
- file io (shockwave - read/store prefs on user's machine)
- imaging lingo - drawing onto canvas via scripting
- sound control w/cuepoints (F5 is much better though)
- Director's limitation w/vector control
- Director can though manipulate specific vector points/handles via lingo
- Director made originally for non-web, adapted to web/shockwave so some lingo
is unavailable
- tons of xtras available for Director, Flash not as expandable
- Director multiuser server
- and others I'm sure that I can't think of now...

It's very likely that F6 will come up to par with Director and even out
some of these - it just seems that Director is being weeded out overall.
Flash is even used more and more for cd-roms and non-web apps as it can
export projectors just as Director can. Flash is definitely on the rise up
towards catching the complexity and capabilities of Director.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nathan Dicken - Game Developer
Boxerjam - http://www.boxerjam.com

At 01:11 PM 9/6/00 -0400, you wrote:
>What are the differences between Flash 5 and Director at this point? Any
>ones? How likely is it that Flash 6 will pretty much bring it up even with

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  Re: FLASH: Gaming, Nathan Dicken
  Re: FLASH: Gaming, Matt Spiegler

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