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Subject: RE: FLASH: More BIGNAME Media Co. schtuff
From: JGL
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:50:02 +0100

The .swf is compressing the sound for delivery. Since the fla is the
authoring environment, it is playing the sound as imported, uncompressed.
Actually, a better way to look at it is the fla is playing the .wav file and
the .swf is play the compressed mp3 file.

Experimentation considering the variables of the origional sound file size
coupled with your delivery mechanism (web, cd, hard drive) with desired
quality and whether you are streaming the sound etc. etc. etc.

Experiment around with the variables . . .


-----Original Message-----
but an issue has come up that I've noticed myself: When I use a 16-bit 44mHz
sound file, the .SWF plays it back with less quality than it does, say, when
I run it in Flash itself.
Is this supposed to happen?
The client has mentioned this, and I said I'd hit up my resources for some
advice (and you folks are that resource, although my last inquiry has gotten
ZERO response). This BIGNAME media company undoubtedly requires the best
thay can get, and I have to try to give it to them.

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  RE: FLASH: More BIGNAME Media Co. schtuf, JGL

  FLASH: More BIGNAME Media Co. schtuff, Brian

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