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Subject: RE: FLASH: bad scenes?
From: Paul Willoughby
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 16:47:44 +0100

I think it's a lot better to stick to one timeline and have lots of movie
clips to add all the interactivity, menus etc. But I do sometimes use scenes
when developing for convenience. Like, if i want to play around with the
variables in a main movie timeline, I duplicate the scene and alter it
there. You can then use 'test scene' instead of test movie to see what
Also,I always prefer to put preloaders in a separate scene so I can test the
main movie without having to sit through the preloader every time.



-----Original Message-----
From: Christina Tracy [crtatsportsgig [dot] com (mailto:crtatsportsgig [dot] com)]
Sent: 13 September 2000 17:00
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: bad scenes?

Is it common to develop using a lot of scenes? I am using Flash 4
and trying to pick up where someone left off...ie they have 3 flas
and 5 scenes and about 36mcs. No functioning navigation page
that is one of the many changes to be made.
I always thought it was better to use 1 timeline and lots
of movie clips. Am I way off here?

I can't find much info. I did read that scenes are not supported in a
Is that right??? This project is for the web.

Any tutorials or wisdom majorly appreciated!


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