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Subject: RE: FLASH: Still that problem I mentioned yesterday
From: JGL
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 16:59:59 +0100

Just copy your problem scene and create a movie clip out of it. Graphics,
sound and all.

Place it where you want that to start on you main timeline.

I have developed an authoring system of movie clip heirarchies.

My main time line is 1 layer with one frame. That first frame has my first
MC (like scene 1). At the last frame of that clip, I insert the next MC
(like scene 2). Etc.

The main time line can have additional layers like BG art, and other
constants. If that needs to change when another MC is playing, I target the
main timeline to go to another frame that has the relative BG art, and other

It is a real headache saver and requires a bit of adjustment in authoring.

But . . I have eliminated the frustrating seemingly unknowable reasons why
scenes do the things that are haoppening to you.

If your sound in scene two is starting at frame 5 in scene two, maybe the
player is reading the sound to start at frame 5 in the main timeline. Who
knows. Scenes are frustrating and do funny things. Atleast for me. And you

Scrap scenes . . . think movieclips instead.

Check this out, it's old but relevant:

Good luck Brian.


-----Original Message-----
> movie clips . . . should solve your problem.<

Are you saying that I should put the sound in an MC by itself?

> Are you using 4 or 5. If 4 are you viewing in the 5 player? 4 authoring
> 5 playback has issues. I don't know if this is one of them.

No 5... 4.
I'm not touching anything 5 'til I see less handwringing about it.

> But I would stay away from scenes. Why aren't you using movie clips?<

I use 'em all the time... but apparently not the way you are suggesting,
whatever that might be.
Does this mean I should take EVRYTHING I would have in a Scene and and put
it in an MC instead?
This sounds counterintuitive.
Run a whole cartoon sequence as an MC?
Please elucidate!

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  Re: FLASH: Still that problem I mentione, Brian
  Re: FLASH: Still that problem I mentione, Brian
  RE: FLASH: Still that problem I mentione, JGL

  Re: FLASH: Still that problem I mentione, Brian

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