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Subject: Re: FLASH: Virtual Memory Prob. with .exe
From: John Dowdell
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 21:22:27 +0100

At 11:50 AM 9/14/0, Henry K wrote:
> I'm currently developing a Windows CD for a client using Flash to
> make an .exe. The file is 2.3mb and contains at least 40, approx.
> 800*600 screen shots of their new on-line product.

The Macromedia Flash Player is mainly designed for web delivery of
interactive vector-sprite animations. It's often *possible* to use it as a
page-flipping bitmap slideshow, but that's a bit aside from its main use.

(40 regular photographs can be tricky, just because of filesize and
performance, for but screen captures you have to take especial care to not
resize any of the bitmaps in this resolution-independent player at all, not
even by a single pixel... screen fonts and icons are designed on a
pixel-to-pixel basis, and so any interpolation can really degrade

> The client says that receive a Virtual Memory warning when running the file.

It would be interesting to run the one-or-all-machines test on this file,
and the one-or-all-files test on those machines... this can help show
whether the content is particularly heavy, or whether the machines are
particularly light, or some combination. (Media is decompressed when used,
so with all that decompression going on the RAM costs may be much higher
than the on-disk footprint.)

Sorry I can't nail "the" cause there... the best I could recommend is
trying other content on those machines, and comparing the specs of the
normal computers and the abnormal computers. It's always recommended to
test on the minimum target machines all during development, so there are no
late-minute surprises like this. Now the work lies in finding out what the
client's minimum spec can actually support.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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