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Subject: Re: FLASH: Editing artwork
From: Brian
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 14:14:23 +0100

Waitaminnit... I may have discovered something here, which doesn't make me
any happier...

If I double-click on the symbol window in the library to edit that
particular symbol, I can get the editing tools to work (it seems).
So, why the 'Edit In Place' feature - so that you can edit in comparison to
the rest of the items on the stage, right? - if it doesn't do the most
obvious thing it's designed to do?


-Brian Matthews

> I have been noticing this problem with increasing frequency lately (Flash
> 4):
> Whenever I 'Edit In Place' a symbol, more often than not it seems like as
> I cannot get the paintbrush or the eraser to work. I'll draw and draw, and
> it doesn't keep. I'll try to erase, and nothing disappears. I've even
> all the different settings on the tools, to no avail... different
> magnifications, too.
> This also happens a lot in other editing modes.
> Can anyone tell me what's up?

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  RE: FLASH: nice, Paul Willoughby
  FLASH: Editing artwork, Brian

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