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From: Stefan Magdalinski
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 09:26:27 +0100

Mike Butcher wrote:
> Funny - I've seen billboards for QXL in Essex. Perhaps they're looking for
> investment from Ford Sierra drivers....
> Better to impress investors with big fat user figures, no?
> >Perhaps they're looking for a quick IPO (although, if they have VC
> >behind them then this may not be necessary!) - reminds me of QXL's
> >campaign, I know I am cynical but I got the feeling that they weren't
> >necessarily trying to impress or capture buyers, but were aimed at
> >impressing potential investors. They'll need to impress them, they're
> >way over-valued.

I would've thought not making the grossest of grammatical errors on
their posters would have been a good start for impressing people.

"don't pay too much for CD's"

or some such? who did they use for marketing? Bob the fruit salesman
from East Street market?


> >Why else would you focus most of your marketing spend on billboards and
> >tubes in the Central London / City area?
> Mike Butcher, Editor, New Media Age , 61-62 Berners St, London
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  Re: UKNM: JUNGLE.COM, Mike Butcher

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