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Subject: Re: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM
From: Fiona Campbell-Howes
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:53:44 +0100

Speaking of well-known brands and spam, I'm getting more than a little
irritated with lastminute's "Fancy a fortnight of sun for 269 pounds,
FIONA?"-type missives, when I have unsubscribed twice. I recall a while back
someone said that there was an organisation to which one could complain
about such intrusions. Could someone remind me what it is?

Alternatively, if there is anyone from lastminute there, could you please
tell me how to eradicate myself from the mailing list for ever? And for
God's sake stop putting the recipient's name in capitals, it has "dodgy
Littlewoods/Readers Digest prize draw" written all over it. Spam is already
out of hand in my inbox at least, and it's got noticeably worse in the last
couple of months. No one wants it! Please stop doing it!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Peterson <jonathan [dot] petersonatideashub [dot] com>
To: <uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 4:07 PM
Subject: RE: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM

> > and marketing your services online. Direct mail - why not
> > direct email. As with direct mail the receiver has two
> > choices - read it - or bin it! On DPA regulations -
> > provided you give them the option to be removed from your
> > database - fine!
> You are assuming that direct mail is OK therefore direct email is OK.
> Direct mail is not OK. Direct mail sucks. It might _work_ but then so
> does lying about what your product does. Do you think we should allow
> automatic phone dialers in the UK too? We hate direct mail but it is
> rather too late to do anything about it. We hate SPAM, aka direct email
> but it is not too late to do something about it.
> More to the point, while some, err, well regarded brands might make use
> of direct mail, almost none make use of SPAM. Therefore, there is a
> strong perception that any company sending direct email is at best cheap
> and cheerful or more likely downright fraudulent.
> And as for giving them the option of being removed, that is sadly a
> non-starter. Many SPAM companies have made use of this simply to confirm
> email addresses, and rather than remove people from lists they add them
> to more lists. Therefore, no-one in their right mind sends mail to the
> 'removal' addresses given out at the end of SPAM emails.
> However, there are a number of zealots who, if they have not already
> blacklistee the dubious companies that are employed to send this stuff,
> will amuse themselves by retaliating, something you probably don't want.

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  RE: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM, Jonathan Peterson

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