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Subject: Re: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM
From: le plug
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 09:05:13 +0100

As a poor (both salary and capability) salesman I was last week set the task
of arranging meetings with the new media directors of several large
companies. Having cunningly nabbed their email addresses off poor
unsuspecting receptionists, I sent them an email with a brief explanation of
who I was and why I was going to call them, suggesting if they didn't want
to speak to me, they should simply respond to the email. The only response I
did get was someone requesting that I call them this week instead of this.
I've since called all the people and arranged meetings (good boy pluggy,
well done.)

I might be baring my (soon to be ample) belly here, but my point is this. As
business users, people don't really give a shit about spam because they're
not paying for it, and if they do care, they'd rather recieve an email than
phone calls from people like me they've never heard of before. Its human
nature that people would rather be sold to remotely in the first instance.
Most people find it quite difficult being rude to someone when they're
speaking to them, but everyone is quite capable of a confident 'no' in
writing (as you'll no doubt see in the responses to this post!).

Spam away I say!

----- Original Message -----
From: <aajgrayattalk21 [dot] com>
To: <uk-netmarketingatchinwag [dot] com>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM

> Alrighty, game on.
> Thanks for all your responses. It's all been pretty much as I'd expected
> but I knew there was a Michelle out there somewhere to put the fire out
> gasoline.
> Paul suggests below that I should give the target a call first to
> their needs/ interest/ permission and then tailor communications
> appropriately. No drama with this, in fact I've done it before and I'd
> prefer doing things this way.

[Sam says: msg chopped]

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  RE: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM, Gary Pharo

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