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Subject: Re: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM
From: Mark Bunting
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 14:53:55 +0100

glad to be of service, although I can't have been
clear enough with my irony - we're agreeing, not


--- Sam Carrington <samcatsensei [dot] co [dot] uk> wrote:
> Would that be anything like the 3% that complain to
> the offending
> party's ISP, consumer watchdogs, industry fora, etc,
> resulting in a bulk
> mailer being shut down and/or moved on. Sounds like
> a real productive
> marketing campaign to me. Next you will be
> suggesting that we mine the
> ORBs database to find a nice handy open mail relay
> to bounce our
> pointless misdirected marketing messages through.
> <RANT>
> For me spam equates less with direct mail than with
> a situation where
> someone you dont know constantly calls your
> telephone, reverses the
> charges, and refuses to hang up until they have
> finished shouting at you
> about their latest pyramid sales/get rich/stay young
> scheme. Far more
> antisocial that a bit of dead tree to chuck away
> each morning.
> </RANT>
> Surely part of the opportunity offered by the net is
> the increased
> personalisation and customisation of services and
> marketing, allowing
> advertisers to treat their customers more accurately
> as individuals; to
> get to know them a little - therefore the usefulness
> of bulk (in)direct
> mail pales into insignificance next to the
> alternatives, some of which
> have already been discussed on this list. There is a
> great deal of value
> in maintaining a dialog with your customers or
> potential customers.
> Mailshots just dont cut it for me.
> A little imagination goes a very very long way...
> Cheers for inciting
> the rant mark, nowt personal :)
> Mark Bunting wrote:
> >
> > direct marketing has thrived on the assumption
> that
> > the 3% who respond are worth the 97% who think
> you're
> > a bunch of wankers. i fear the same logic will
> apply
> > to email
> >
> --
> sam carrington // senior web developer //
> sensei.co.uk

Mark Bunting: mark [dot] buntingatinfonic [dot] com
INFONIC Online Communications Management
Tel 020 7490 8844

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  Re: UKNM: Tell me it's not SPAM, Sam Carrington

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