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Subject: RE: UKNM: Male "techies" - anecdotes wanted
From: Jo
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 15:14:32 GMT

> > I'm seeking something additional: anecdotes concerning strange attitudes displayed by male "techies" towards female Net users.
> >
> > If anyone has any suitable tales, please e-mail me privately!
> so this is how journalism works?
> you start with an angle - "male techies have strange attitudes towards female
> net users".
> then you ask for evidence to support this unwarrented assumption?

No - I'm writing a reasonable, balanced and humorous piece and would simply like to include a couple of amusing anecdotes.

I do not make "unwarrented assumptions".

I am not starting with an anti-male angle of *any* kind.

BTW, no offence to anyone intended.

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  Re: UKNM: Male "techies" - anecdotes wan, Stefan Magdalinski

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