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Subject: RE: [uk-netmarketing] RE: Piece of string question
From: Anna Perrin
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 15:13:49 -0000

Ian wrote:
buystream.com was a frameset which actually linked to
and for some reason whoever
created the index page had turned the scroll bar off.

Ian, the law of the sod has struck! Buystream have chosen today to revamp
their website. If you go back tomorrow normal service will be resumed....

Also, in answer to earlier questions, Buystream only measure what matters
online, and what matters are the e-business processes on your website that
drive visitors, convert them into buyers and earn their loyalty. Buystream
analyses what your visitors look at once their on your site and shows you
where your site is preventing a sale rather than closing one. And more
importantly, if there's something you can do to attract better visitors,
sell higher-margin products or improve your closure rate Buystream will let
you know in clear language.

If you would like more information please contact me off list.

> Anna Perrin
Flapjack Communications
106 Gloucester Place

Tel: 020 7224 4554
Fax: 020 7486 4959
E-mail: annaatflapjack [dot] com


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