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Subject: Re: [uk-netmarketing] Turning something into viral marketing thatworks - that John Wes t advert...
From: Ashley Pomeroy
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 10:12:52 -0000

>>>>looks like sending out attachments can work.. (if your company allows
them of course!)<<<<

One thing I think *must* be stressed in this instance is that the advert
itself was excellent. I think that a lot of people might assume that the
viral-ness of the advert made it a success, whereas in reality it's the
fact that it's an extremely funny ad. People wanted it to clog up their
inbox. I get the impression that marketing types think that 'viral
marketing' in itself is a powerful weapon, when it's actually just another
delivery method.

"In the land of the blonde, the blondest man is king"
Ashley Pomeroy - arpatslab [dot] org - http://www.ashleypomeroy.com/

  RE: [uk-netmarketing] Re: Turning someth, Robin Edwards

  Turning something into viral marketing t, Leslie Bunder

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