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Subject: Re: UKNM: Skills shortage? No. Investment shortage? yes
From: Ray Taylor
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 12:46:32 GMT

Stefan Magdalinski <stefanatisness [dot] org> said:

> I didn't say that everyone who'd *been* on a course was crap, just that
> I wouldn't necessarily consider it a big bonus when trawling through
> CVs.

I have to say that I find the process of "trawling through CVs" very
unproductive and old-fashioned when it comes to recruiting new people. For
three reasons:

1. Youngsters today generally don't know how to write CVs and often leave
out important details </patronising git>

2. You really can't judge a person's character by a pro-forma

3. Using this email/internet thingy it's possible for candidates to send out
thousands of CVs without ever bothering to look at what a job is about.

So, personally, I never look at a CV until and unless the applicant has
either sent a lot of detail in the covering letter, or has answered a few
additional questions about themselves - such as career plans, interests
outside of work, etc.

Often people don't bother to respond, which is great because it leaves me
with fewer CVs to trawl through and a higher quality of applicant.

Ask an applicant to spend 20 minutes finding out about the job they are
applying for and/or telling you something they have not told other
prospective employers and you will have a much shorter list of much
higher-quality candidates. And of course it is much easier to spot the total

Anyone want some job hunting tips, note the following:

1. Always send a covering letter with a CV with specific references to the
job being applied for.

2. Attach a nice photo of yourself, even if you are ugly. It makes an
application stand out from the pile and gives the employer a feeling that
they know you better having looked at the photo and read the application.

3. Find out something about the employer before you apply. These days many
employers have this newfangled web site thingy that has lots of tedious
corporate information on it to bore the pants out of most people, but very
useful to job applicants - USE IT.

Ray Taylor

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  Re: UKNM: Skills shortage? No. Investmen, Anna Ollier

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