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Subject: Re: UKNM: Online Auctions Response
From: Lee Rickler
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 17:08:55 +0000 (GMT)

>In our case, that's definitely not the business model. I was quoted in the
>story on us in yesterday's Daily Mirror (we're a quality operation,
>remember?) as saying that we take 'razor-thin margins', and that's
>absolutely true. If you knew the size of our losses to date, you'd realize
>that our strategy is all about building a very big business where the
>markups on each transaction are far smaller than most retailers. We're
>currently trying to raise ten million dollars to grow the business, and a
>key part of the pitch is convincing investors who don't understand the
>Internet that low margins can help deliver fast growth

Fair enough.
If your margins are so small, your losses so high.
1, Why bother
2, Why should anybody want to invest ?

To me this seems too much like a lot of stress for little return.

I'm not in anyway knocking your product in anyway.
Who many more times am I going to hear vendors say ... "ooo ... we don't
make any money doing this y'know"

Just curious


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