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Subject: RE: UKNM: something I'm working on
From: Chris Locke
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 14:51:24 +0000 (GMT)

At 08:39 AM 11/16/98 -0000, you wrote:
>I think you can see how people from overseas visiting london may find
>something like this useful. A tourist who wanted to know what shops were
>on what street or sort out directions before they arrived here?

A friend of mine at CASA does research into Superscape modelling of Town
Planning recommendations over the web. His favourite ploy is getting
council members and Architects to navigate their way through their own
designs using the 'wheelchair' avatar. Also, he plans to let citizens
adjust plans using VR and then vote online on what they really think are
sensitive improvements to their own environment.

He's Andy Smith at CASA - http://www.casa.ucl.ac.uk/

Chris Locke
Group Internet Manager, Virgin Group
20 Soho Square, London, W1V 5FD
(0171) 479 4453 - phone 0850 037427 - mobile
(0171) 479 4401 - fax
chris [dot] lockeatvirgin [dot] co [dot] uk ICQ#6859303


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  RE: UKNM: something I'm working on, Nicholas Green

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