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Subject: Re: UKNM: Search Engines digression
From: Felix Velarde
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 20:02:43 +0100

On 1/10/98 I read:

> steve mynott <steveattightrope [dot] demon [dot] co [dot] uk>
> humans hardly ever learn from the experience of others. they
>learn - when
>they do, which isn't often - on their own, the hard way. -- robert

Heinlein rarely included women in his philosophical considerations
(save as characters) - according to many studies (including one by
Cullen in 1994) women do tend to learn from others' experience,
whereas men are too competitive (or, according to my wife, dumb).
Something that came up when we were looking into this subject was
that males tend to prefer a single path on which they can win, and
females prefer to have the opportunity to succeed by a variety of
means. Which is maybe why, broadly speaking, females (especially
children) prefer one-to-one communications online while males prefer
open forum.

Still digressing, but at least there's a bit of net marketing in
there somewhere!

Felix Velarde

Managing Director Head New Media

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  Re: UKNM: Search Engines digression, Stefan Magdalinski

  Re: UKNM: Search Engines digression, Steve Mynott

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