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Subject: Re: UKNM: Those who write HTML for food...
From: Jamie Unwin
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 20:02:42 +0100

Which is what I said in my first email.....

<earlier post>
or at least the requirements for a good HTML coder extended beyond the
ability to use a few <TABLE> & <P> tags !
</earlier post>

I wasn't saying building good sites was easy. I was saying their WAS a time
when people charged over the odds for HTML, and thankfully this practice
has all but died out.

However the practice does seem to be moving into other areas ... History
repeating itself possibly ?

>Ah, finally some sense...thanks Elizabeth ;-)
>Yes, HTML can be easy. Doing worthwhile things with it can also be very hard.
>Anyone who's buying just HTML by-the-yard *is* being ripped off, because they
>could probably be doing it themselves.
>The flipside of this: simple economics means that if HTML is even half the
>story behind that thing you do, I suspect you won't be doing it for very much
>Anyone for added value?
Jamie Unwin : jamieatnml [dot] guardian [dot] co [dot] uk : http://www.guardian.co.uk
The Guardian : 3-7 Ray Street, London, EC1R 3DJ : Tel. 0171 713 4469
jamieatjamie [dot] net : http://www.jamie.net : http://www.poke.com

  UKNM: Those who write HTML for food..., Robert Hamilton

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