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Subject: UKNM: itnetwork.com - hmmm, what's going on here then? -Reply
From: John Enser
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 09:57:36 +0100


itnetwork.com or itnetworks.com? - your subject header said one but
the text said the other.

Both exist but only the singular one looks like a UK business. If that is the
one and you wanted to find out how they got your name and were
sending you unsolicited e-mailshots, as they are a UK company, you
might ask the data protection registrar (www.dataprotection.gov.uk) to
help you. I am sure she would be very interested, given that they do not
seem to have a registration. :-)


>>> "Kevin Rice" <k [dot] riceatconnexity [dot] co [dot] uk> 28/September/1999 09:36pm
'lo all,

Anybody received a message recently from www.itnetworks.com ? or
have I been
*specially selected* for the pleasure?

Apparantly my account is now open (that's a weight off my mind!) and
username and password have been set to strings clearly derived from
email address to which they sent the message (not the email address
which I am sending this!).

On entering my account (that was probably a mistake!) I discovered that
have my job title (one of them) and some basic contact details such as
company, telephone, fax.

Now it's always possible that I've surfed myself into a stupor and simply
don't remember signing-up, but the evidence suggests otherwise, as I
*NEVER* have chosen the username and password which were mailed
to me.

Any other UKNM'ers received one of these?
Anybody from www.itnetworks.com on the list? - if so, do you fancy
me from where my details were acquired?


This firm is regulated by the Law Society in the conduct of investment
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  Re: UKNM: itnetwork.com - hmmm, what's g, Kevin Rice

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