business & innovation

Is digital confidence set to plunge?

2857718837_cd74d07dd6_m.jpg Freshly back from Digital Mission to Web 2.0 Expo in NYC, the members of the team who went are still battling the twin evils of jetlag and mountainous inboxes.

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Digital Pulse for August 2008

Digital Pulse indices
Digital Pulse: 
Current Index: 
6 month Index: 
Employment Index: 
Move Jobs Index: 
Salary Index: 
Current Confidence Index: 
Future Confidence Index: 
Two month’s of gains in confidence were wiped out with August’s Digital Pulse index falling 2.33% to 121.5, virtually the same level as May’s result. The index of market conditions in six months time took the biggest hit with a 6.33% drop in the last month with only small drops in confidence around employment. Taking into account that these results pre-date the troubles on Wall Street and in London, and the Digital Pulse index may take somewhat of a battering in September.

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The Flag and Bell Pub Crawl

The Flag and Bell Pub Crawl is held on the first Tuesday of each month. It is a free, networking event for anyone interested in search engines, the Internet or web technology. The London Web Technology and London New Technology groups are both invited to attend. We have over 400 members signed up through meetup and on our own mailing list.

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Date: 7 October 2008
Location: The White Hart Pub, UK

Manchester Digital Social Event

Whether you're a member or not, everyone is welcome to come along to the Manchester Digital Social event and relax/socialise/network in an informal setting. Members of the Manchester Digital Council will also be in attendence if you want to come along to find out how Manchester Digital can help you.

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Date: 8 September 2008
Location: Bar Ca Bar, UK

Digital Mission and Chinwag chat on air

Our very own Sam Michel, MD of Chinwag, has made it on to the radio - Blog Talk Radio to be precise - and it’s good to hear from him that “the Digital Mission is going incredibly well”.

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Search and location up a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

Every year it's the same moldy old format recycled round the media hype circuit. It's the year of the mobile web, of mashups. It's the end of print media, the death of the gatekeeper. Revolutions are ushering themselves in left, right and centre, and whoosh! Life as we know it will be forever unutterably changed... yeah!

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Digital Mission - departure arrival and day 1

30,000 Feet up in the air feels like a very odd place to be writing a blog post, but it is curiously appropriate. I'm halfway between London and New York as I type this. Around me are representatives from the Digital Mission companies. Already, just a few hours into the mission, there have been discussions about the challenges and opportunities of business between the UK and the US .

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Digital Mission NYC events line-up revealed

Big Apple here we come! The Web 2.0 Expo in New York is less than four days away and the Digital Mission calendar is now looking good and poised to host some serious action...

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Changing Landscapes: Marketing to the Multi-Channel Consumer

Changing Landscapes: Marketing to the Multi-Channel Consumer is aimed at the savvy direct marketer. A range of speakers will present their approach to marketing to the multi-channel consumer, and how this approach helps them to maintain a competitive edge within an increasingly challenging economic climate.

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Date: 30 October 2008
Location: Digital World, UK

Sun Startup Essentials competition

The Future of Web Applications (FOWA) on the 3rd October is the premier showcase of new web technologies and emergent business trends. It’s the honey-pot event for European web professionals and attracts developers and creative types in spades.

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Legal boot camps for start-ups

You’re a young fledgling company, you’re just starting to get your head above water and keep afloat in the ever so fickle world of digital start-ups. The last thing you need is to fall foul of the law and have legal wranglings eating away at company time and profit.

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Digital Mission to New York: the London mixer

Digital MissionBefore that long flight to New York we thought it would be a great idea to get all the companies coming along on the Digital Mission together in one place so that we could break

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Social Media in Business

Social Media In Business - will empower your compan to understand the potency of Online conversations & more importantly when and how to engage with a meaningful response.

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Date: 23 October 2008
Location: The Crowne Plaza Hotel, UK