The New Space Age is being created by companies like yours. A free event to guide you through the mass of data coming online from new space missions and how to access it at low, or even no cost. You will even learn how you could build and launch your own micro-satellite!
In this course, you will focus in heavily on process managers, sagas, and advanced messaging patterns ideas and you will spend about 50% of the time working through problems to dive deep and produce working code.
Want to find out about the latest and greatest ideas & practices in DDD? Interested in meeting the rest of the community and big names like Eric Evans, Martin Thompson and Greg Young ? Then don't miss out on DDD eXchange 2014, where you'll discover all the latest ideas & practices in Domain-Driven Design.
We all know live streaming is possible, but how do we use it most effectively? There’s never been more competition for the audience’s attention, so how do you create valuable online experiences alongside real events? How do we make the most of the opportunities for interacting with the online audience?
Are you interested in learning how to build Spring powered Java applications? This course will give you a chance to have an intensely productive and hands-on learning experience! Join us on this four day flagship course in Spring powered Java apps.
Our Office Hours sessions offer you half an hour with experts and mentors in a variety of specialised areas. They are free to both members and non-members and are an excellent resource of information for all you bootstrapping startups.