

Audience Conference

Bringing together some of the most exceptional people in the world. From the entertainers who engage audiences directly to the statisticians who measure them, to the technologists building tools to help us reach new and larger audiences and engage with them

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Date: 5 November 2009
Location: Hudson Theatre, US

Monitoring Social Media 09 - London

MSM 09 will bring together global Social Media Monitoring experts, suppliers, PR & marketing professionals for a one-day conference in London on 17th November 2009. The event offers attendees a series of high-value talks, panel sessions and demo’s, featuring some of the worlds leading social media monitoring companies

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Date: 17 November 2009
Location: The Lewis Centre, UK

Like Minds Exeter - Measuring Social Media

Like Minds is a pioneering gathering of contemporary thinkers - creative directors, MDs, bloggers,industry leaders, startups, media managers and entrepreneurs debating and collaborating to help develop business growth.

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Date: 16 October 2009
Location: Exeter Conference Centre, UK

Free Ticket Competition to Spotify (Daniel Ek) Debate

Daniel Ek, CEO - SpotifyOur friends at The Glasshouse are running a competition in the run-up to their Pop Idols event on Thursday where Daniel EK, Spotify's CEO will talk about his experiences as an entrepreneur.

They have  thrown down the gauntlet to Chinwag's readers to send in questions that will help reveal the secret of Spotify's success. The best 5 questions will each win a pair of tickets worth £25 each.

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Digital Mission NYC, Applications Close Friday

Statue of Liberty by toodlepip - deadline to apply for a place on the Digital Mission to New York is this Friday (18th Sept).

If you've been putting off filling in the application form - don't worry I procrastinate with the best - then dive right in. It's a very short form that shouldn't take more than a few minutes to fill out.

After all, we just need to know what your company is about, and what you'd like to get out of going on the Digital Mission. Things you're thinking about every day, right?

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Semantic Search SEO Implications

Conference call with Novamente by dominiekth jury might be out on the success of Microsoft's Bing reports of modest rises in search traffic share and Google cage-rattling punditry aside, their TV spots hit the nail on the head about semantic search (see below).

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Google Launches UK Internet Stats

Google Internet StatsThe latest offering from the big G will whet the appetites of marketers, analysts and stats head alike.

Google Internet Stats is a UK-only initiative that aggregates stats from 52 advertising and marketing sources that are 'carefully selected and reputable' according to a post on the Google Barometer blog.

Using a simplified GReader-style interface, the headline data is easily browsable and searchable (this is Google, after all) in five different categories:

  • Technology
  • Macro Economic Trends
  • Media Landscape
  • Media Consumption
  • Consumer Trends

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Stop Mandelson's Disconnection Plans

Peter Mandelson is convinced that disconnecting filesharers will help the music and film industries. He's plain wrong. This extreme option would trample on internet users' - and their families - freedom of expression, without earning a penny for musicians and film-makers.

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Date: 2 October 2009
Location: The Crypt on the Green, UK

Live Music: Licensed to Thrill?

This MusicTank session,22 Sept, will investigate the impact that the implementation of the Licensing Act, Form 696 and noise abatement orders are having on small venues - and we shall also hear why supporters of the Act believe it is increasing participation in live music.

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Date: 22 September 2009
Location: PRS for Music, UK

Transatlantic Troubleshooting

Digital Mission stand SXSW '09The application deadline for our NYC Digital Mission is fast approaching, September 18th to be precise, and here at Chinwag Towers we thought we’d give you a flash back to one of our most popular panel debates, Transatlantic Troubleshooting held during our Digital Mission at SXSWi 2009.

It’s bound to get those of you who’re waiting until next week to get your details over to us to get a wriggle on.

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Chinwag Live: Search is Dead, Long Live Search

With Google challenged by new search tools and the growth of ‘social media search’, is this a new era for search? Join in the debate with Google, Mindshare, Betfair and others, chaired by Rob Kerry. Book now for early-bird rates.

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Date: 29 September 2009
Location: The Slug & Lettuce (Downstairs), UK

OpenMusicMedia #9 - Creative Commons

After months of trying to get this nailed down we are very pleased to announce that Joi Ito will be in London and joining us to lead the conversation at the next OpenMusicMedia! Joi is the CEO of Creative Commons so make sure you clear your diaries for 17th September for what looks set to be a great session.

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Date: 17 September 2009
Location: William IV, UK

UK BizSpark Summit

The aim of this event is to bring together the BizSpark community to provide access to key industry players and information to enable you to grow your business. There will be several content themes to anchor the day - funding, technology & operations and sales & marketing.

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Date: 28 September 2009
Location: Microsoft London, UK

AOP: Shaping Your Digital Business for Success In 2010

As the fog of recession begins to clear, this AOP Forum explores some of the management challenges and opportunities facing digital businesses as they turn their attention to 2010 and beyond.

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Date: 9 September 2009
Location: IPC Media, UK

ad:tech London 2009

The ad:tech London conference is an essential platform for entrepreneurs and marketers seeking to better understand what digital marketing can really achieve for their business.

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Date: 22 September 2009
Location: Olympia National Hall, UK