Euro IA: Redrawing the map

Event Info

Fri 26 - Sat 27 Sep, 2008 from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuschinski Theatre
Reguliersbreestraat 26-34
Amsterdam, AN



EuroIA invites your participation to this premier European event on Information Architecture. Two incredible days of presentations, panels, and networking with information architects from across Europe and around the world.

This year we will explore the theme of “Redrawing the Map”, both between countries and online – from forging new international alliances to adapting traditional deliverables to the needs of a Web 2.0 world.

Who should participate?

Anyone concerned with the design of navigation, organization, labeling, and search systems that help people find and manage information more successfully.

Librarians, webmasters, and content owners responsible for creating taxonomies and information architectures.

Application Developers who design web and software solutions and select the technologies and staff to support them.

Project and business managers needing to understand the benefits and challenges of information architectures in electronic information spaces.

For more information about this event click here.


