S4Stv presents Perfect Your Pitch-Doug Richard at UCL June21

Event Info

Mon 21 Jun, 2010 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
University College London, Wilkins Building, Old Refectory Room
Gower Street
London, WC16 6BT, UK (Map)
Cost: FREE Register on line at www.schoolforstartups.co.uk


Register for this FREE event at:   http://s4s.ly/cw

S4STV: The Entrepreneur's Channel launches globally, June 21 6.30pm - 8pm GMT at University College London 

S4STV, in association with The Pitch 2010, presents “Perfect Your Pitch”

Are you pitch perfect? Refining your business pitch is a real skill, but a skill that must be acquired to ensure you can give your product, service or concept the justice it deserves. In many instances, entrepreneurs have just one chance to make an impression with someone. Whether you're talking to an investor, a customer or a bank manager; when you talk about your offering you need to be able to clearly and concisely illustrate the value in your proposition. A lousy pitch can be the breaking of an otherwise potentially great business. So if your pitch needs perfecting, this completely free event is the one for you!


This FREE 90 minute pitching master class presented by Doug Richard will be filmed at University College London and broadcast LIVE as an interactive S4STV webcast.


Watch this Webcast LIVE wherever you are in the world and join in by posting your burning business questions and comments to Doug and his entrepreneurial featured guests through our completely interactive communications feed. 


By watching you will learn:

  • Specialist techniques for improving your pitch.
  • How to delivery your pitch and what to include.
  • How to communicate financial figures.


Who should get involved?

  • Anyone with an idea for a business
  • Owners of small businesses that want to grow
  • Students interested in starting a business
  • Anyone who or may be or who is looking for people to invest in their business


Register with this link: http://s4s.ly/cw
Follow us on Twitter.com/ S4Stv or Twitter.com/s4s 





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School for Startups and UCL