MiniBar Data about Data
Event Info
This month we will focusing on Metadata - the data about data that lets us find content, contextualize it, stream it etc. To some it's the holy grail of the the future interweb, to others it's the boring grunt work behind the scenes making objects identifiable. Whatever the truth is, e-books, maps, location based services and many other apps rely on metadata opening up business opportunities, while presenting technical challenges. As part of an upcoming funding call on 'metadata' by the Technology Strategy Board, we will be hearing the details about it. The event is supported by the Creative Industries KTN, who are operating an ideas market place for people who want to work together in this area and beyond (check it out here).
Alex Stanhope - Technology Strategy Board
Julian Ranger - CEO of iBundle and DAD
Justin Spooner - Unthinkable Consulting
Sponsor: Creative Industries KTN
Partners: Microsoft BizSpark, SUN Startup Essentials, Skillsmatter
btw: MiniBar relies on sponsorship, so if you want to reach 3300+ of London's and beyond web entrepreneurs, developers and digital media specialists, let us know at info at