Mobile Privacy - are they mutually exclusive?

Event Info

Tue 5 Jul, 2011 from 6:00pm - 9:30pm
5 New Street Square, New Fetter Lane
London, EC4A 3BF, UK (Map)
Cost: £35 + VAT


We often agree to terms (as the are very long and complex) assuming that someone else has read them and defended our rights. However as recent news has highlighted some global brands such as Apple, Google and Nintendo are often using these terms to enable them to gather all the data they want. Once the PR storm is over, new software distributed with the Bugs fixed we return to our natural state of acceptance. However, with mobile being so personal does privacy exist?, what happens when you die to all that data?, can the data really be used in court?, if I get a second hand mobile can I find out who had it before me? and where is the balance in the minds of the consumer for privacy, security and user interface! If you add to this culture - the world of mobile becomes a complex place.

To overcome much of the complexity we resort to a phrase "give the user control over their data!" This mashup* event will focus on what giving user control over their privacy means and will look at how company are going about this and who is leading the way and who is just trying to exploit you.

Linked below is the Guidelines discussion document from the GSMA.  They are keen to receive “informal”  comments at




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