Rapid Prototyping With Axure (BEGINNER)

Event Info

Tue 3 Sep, 2013 from 9:30am - 4:30pm
120 Moorgate
Moorgate, London, EC2M 6UR, UK
Cost: £495


Brief Description

Axure RP allows you to rapidly prototype desktop and mobile interfaces and produce testable, sharable, HTML, viewable in a browser without touching a line of code.

This beginner’s course is an intensely practical session suitable for those who have never or only just started to use Axure RP and will teach you all about AXURE’s interface and features so you can get started with prototyping at a fraction of the time and cost of getting something built by a 3rd party and optimising later.

It's fun, it's interactive, you will meet interesting people to exchange ideas and experiences with, you will produce something worthwhileand go back to your desk armed with weapons to impress your colleagues and friends.  


Is it for you?

Sometimes you need to turn your ideas into something tangible and interactive. You need to demonstrate to managers, the board, developers, or customers how something will work – you need a prototypes

Axure RP is an industry-leading digital protyping tool, used by over 30,000 professionals for communicating design ideas beyond paper sketching, storyboards, scenarios etc.

If you have a stake in improving your digital content and have ideas for how this should be done – this is for you.

Participants are typically: product managers, user experience professionals and managers, interaction designers, graphic designers, information architects, developers… 


Email / 0845 644 0650