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Subject: FLASH: Kinda OT - MS costs?
From: Ben Park
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:07:13 +0100

This is kinda OT, but it may spread like the virus that it is to other
I recently heard somethinhg about Micro$oft setting up a system with their
software to make you pay so much PER HOUR that you use it. This is a joke
right? Someone tell me it is.

Per Hour - They're already getting a serious beating from Linux (although in
the underground world of computing and only really on the server side of
things at the mo, but Corel Draw and Wordperfect is available for it).

I also heard that Sun were looking at it as well - I mean come on =
Micro$oft might be the type, but Sun Microsystems? Anyone else heard
anything about it?

A mate of mine told me it was in Computer Active magazine here in the UK.


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  RE: FLASH: Kinda OT - MS costs?, paul wehner

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